First Meeting of the New Semester

PSSA minutes for meeting of January 9th


Present;  Saemz, Corinne, Adam, Megan, Seth, Mark, Kormos,

Absent; Kelly, Gerald, Morgan


CPSSA ; Updates- No further in bid work, awaiting Kelly for further information

Clubs week; Nest week- Need volunteers to work table. Post on Facebook for  open times

Pub night option; middle earth night (dress up hobbit and lord of the rings, trivia, dress up), Vigilante night (superhero ideas and such), Batman night.

Agreed upon Middle earth night: Dress up, Trivia, want to have it before reading break February 7th.  (partner with Medieval club)

Vigilante pub night; 7th of march

bowling/curling night, PSSA group going for diner and such, to touch base with Dr. Summerville. March ish for date.

Elections; AGM has to be done by end of march. Nominations open for all positions, Kormos will look after election details.

E.D.C; topics, Sochi Olympics, International Justice in North Korea ,  politicalization of sports (North Korea and Olympics)

E.D.C January 16th 11:30

Podcast; Security of the Prime Minister, Kormos leading comments. January 17th at 1:00. Participants: Seth, Kormos, Adam


Future agenda

Politician dinner, date and time

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